August 16, 2023

On importance of representation of elderly women in media

Prioritizing the representation of elderly women in media and cinema serves as a vehicle for social change, offering new perspectives on aging, gender roles, and personal narratives. This shift not only enriches artistic expression but also fosters a more inclusive and compassionate society that values individuals across all stages of life.
June 23, 2023

Circulation and impact on society

This working area examines how "lasting" star images carry the affective memory of film heritage and narratives of social change. It analyzes how the presence of senior stars in genres like comedy influences and reflects social change. These representations are also investigated in the context of evolving perceptions of aging and well-being.
June 23, 2023

Mode of production

This working area explores how media representation, production strategies, and demographics interact. It studies how these aspects adapt to audience changes and trends, including the role of influential figures in endorsing new formats. It also looks at production differences in European countries and the influence of supranational entities on these patterns.
June 23, 2023

Circulation and Impact on Society: Theoretical and Methodological Approach

Image credit: photographed by Daria Nepriakhina for Unsplash The raised questions will be answered through a combination of a star studies and reception studies combining qualitative interviews […]
June 23, 2023

Mode of Production: Theoretical and Methodological Approach

Image credit: photographed by İrfan Simsar for Unsplash The raised questions will be answered through a production studies approach, which combines film studies with social sciences, anthropology, […]