Dr. Gloria Dagnino
Dr. Gloria Dagnino
Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy
About me
I received my PhD in Communication Studies from the Università della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland) with a dissertation titled Product placement as practice and culture in Italian contemporary film production (dir. Giuseppe Richeri, 2016). In 2017, thanks to a mobility grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation, I spent one year as visiting research fellow at the University of East London. In those years, my main research interests concerned the integration between media and commercial content, which I have investigated using a combination of production studies and political-economic approaches. In 2019, I became Equal Opportunities Officer at the Università della Svizzera italiana and my research interests shifted towards gender issues in the audiovisual media industries. Besides research, I have taught at the Università della Svizzera italiana, the University of Strasbourg, the University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, and the University of Perugia. Between 2012 and 2019 I have been coordinator and member of the scientific committee of the Documentary Summer School offered within the Locarno Film Festival’s Academy. I joined the University of Udine in February 2023 to work on the AGE-C project with Francesco Pitassio.
E-Mail: gloria.dagnino[at]uniud.it
Resarch Interests
Gender and diversity in audiovisual media industries; Media and advertising convergence; Political economy of audiovisual media; Audiovisual media policy; Screen industry labour; Film production; Contemporary Italian cinema.
Barotsi, R., Dagnino, G. and C. Mereu Keating (2023), “On method building: a half-century of research on gender and labour in the Italian audiovisual industries.”, Comunicazioni Sociali, 1/2023: 3-12. DOI: 10.26350/001200_000180
Dagnino, G. (2023), “Studiare il genere e l’industria audiovisiva in Italia: Dove siamo? Dove andiamo?”, in A. Micalizzi (ed.), Poche. La questione di genere nell’industria culturale italiana, Roma: WriteUp, ISBN 9791255440130: 165-183.
Dagnino, G. (2021), “Il cinema italiano visto dai brand: il ruolo degli intermediari promozionali nella produzione cinematografica italiana contemporanea.”, La Valle Dell’Eden. Rivista di Cinema, fotografia, media, N. 37/2021:121-128
Dagnino, G. (2021), “Amorevoli, intuitive, pazienti? Questioni di genere nella professione di casting director”, Arabeschi, Vol. 18, www.arabeschi.it/25-amorevoli-intuitive-pazienti-questioni-di-genere-nella-professione-casting-director/
Dagnino, G. (2021), “The Politicity of Netflix: Opportunities and Contradictions of Digital Distribution Through the Case of Sulla Mia Pelle”, Comunicazioni Sociali, DOI 10.26350/001200_000122
Dagnino, G. (2020), Branded Entertainment and Cinema. The Marketisation of Italian Film, London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780815348528.
My AGE-C story
I’ve always been interested in the links between the screen and the backstage. How are film and audiovisual media representations shaped not only by artistic visions and creative decision-making, but also by policies, economic rationales, and professional practices and beliefs? Being part of the AGE-C research team gives me the opportunity to explore these questions in relation to a topic that has important social implications: the aging of actors, and particularly women, who give voices and bodies to the stories that feed our imaginary. How does the ageing of film actors affect the ways in which old age is represented on screen; and how does this, in turn, affect the ways we perceive our own experience of ageing? In an industry historically centered around youth, how do film companies and institutions deal with the progressive aging of their most valuable assets – the stars – as well as their consumers – the audience? The AGE-C project allows me to explore these fascinating questions while collaborating with researchers based in five different European countries.