Boglárka Angéla Farkas

Boglárka Angéla Farkas
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
About me
I joined the AGE-C project as a junior researcher in February 2023.
After finishing my B.A. at Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania’s Film, Photography and Media Department, I went to Babeș-Bolyai University’s Applied Media Studies and Sapientia’s Film Studies for M.A. (both in Cluj-Napoca, Romania). Between 2021-2022, I worked as a film production manager at Sapientia’s Media Department. Since 2018, I am a film journalist, as well, writing reviews, essays and conducting interviews at several Hungarian portals, such as Filmtett, Filmtekercs and Helikon. Starting from October 2022, I am a PhD student at Babeș-Bolyai University’s Film Studies Doctoral School. My thesis focuses on the relationship between contemporary science fiction films and Greek mythology.
As a researcher, I am affiliated with the following past and ongoing research projects: Hungarian Photography and Moving Image Art in Transylvania on the Verge between the Analogue and the Digital Eras (2019-2021), István Fischer and the Minority Identity (2020-2021, a solo research project with a scholarship granted by the Collegium Talentum Programme), Cultural Traumas in Contemporary European Small National Cinemas (2022-), AGE-C Ageing and Gender in European Cinema (2022-).
Research interests
Eastern-European cinema, small national cinemas, Transylvanian cinema, film genre, science fiction film, ageing and film, trauma representation in film
Farkas, B (2023) Te kinek az oldalán állsz? – (Poszt)antropocén science fiction filmek a klímatrauma korában [Whose Side Are You On? – (Post)anthropocene Science Fiction Films in the Age of Climate Trauma]. Korunk, 7, (in publication).
Farkas, B. (2022) A kisebbségi identitás alakzatai Fischer István portréfilmjeiben [Forms of minority identity in István Fischer’s portrait documentaries]. Me.dok, XVII/3, 53-67.
Farkas, B. (2021) Álomgyár, másképp: A kamu- és pszeudofilmfesztiválok világa [A Different Kind of Dream Factory: Fake and pseudo- film festivals]. Filmtett, pszeudofilmfesztivalokvilaga/?fbclid=IwAR3_8rIfkAdqotM3-lIx 21JX8MlWCba74VSiHba5xkyWzIp2APzyeH31ks, 2023.05.31.
Farkas, B. (2020) Fischer István és a kisebbségi identitás [István Fischer and the Minority Identity]. Me.dok, XV/2, 23-29.
Farkas, B. (2020) Felkészülés meghatározatlan ideig tartó nemlétre [Film review on Kirsten Johnson’s documentary – with a focus on ageing – Dick Johnson is Dead]. Filmtett,, 2023.05.31.
Associate teacher, Sapientia: Hungarian University of Transylvania, Department of Film, Photography and Media (in the academic year of 2022-2023)
Film journalist, Filmtett, Filmtekercs and Helikon
Film club organiser, Hungarian National Film Institute’s film club at Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Representative of Doctoral Students (Film Studies), Babeș-Bolyai University
My AGE-C story
“If you’re getting older, that means you are alive” – as my grandmother used to say. Therefore, since my childhood, one of my ambitions (strange as it may seem) was to get old. Today, my perceived age is still young, nevertheless, I am well aware that I’m ageing and I want to embrace it. In the last century, life expectancy increased radically, but it seems that we have a lot to learn when it comes to ageing persons’ welfare, their representation and role in the society. Considering that Europe has an aged population on a large scale, these matters are urgent and I hope that my contribution as an AGE-C team member can have an impact on the socio-political discourse of ageing.